Seimag Productions

Song Details

Song Name : I've Forgotten Your Name (remix)

Singer : Seimag (feat Garrin)

Origin : Original Songs

Genre : Blues

Song Sample

Manuscript Sample

I've Forgotten Your Name (remix)

"You have a nice face
Best one in the place &
I know it’s a pain but
I’ve forgotten your name.

The music’s the same &
The band hasn’t changed
But I ask you again
I’ve forgotten your name.

What was it again
I’ve a lot on my mind
How can I explain
It’s been a long time".....

Running time: 4min 00sec
Bitrate: 192kbps
Sample length: 40sec
Manuscript pages: 7

unsigned songwriters, sheet music sales, unsigned songwriters and bands, songwriters unsigned, songwriters and bands, unsigned songwriters UK, sheet music, songwriters and bands.

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